Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas with the Joker" Set of 3 Layout Drawings (1992) - ID: jan24258

Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas with the Joker" Set of 3 Layout Drawings  (1992) - ID: jan24258 Warner Bros.




Art Type:

Image Size: 
8"x7", 8"x10". 3"x7"
Price: $400.00
SKU: jan24258

A set of three matching layout drawings from the Warner Bros. Studios production "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-2001). Featuring fantastic illustrations of Batman and Robin watching the Joker's demented program on TVs in a store window display, the graphite and color pencil drawings were created at the studio and used during the animation process. The imagery was created for the second episode of season one, titled "Christmas with the Joker," which aired on November 13, 1992. The episode is notable as the introduction to the iconic villain in the animated series. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" each, with the imagery itself measuring approximately, 8"x7", 8"x10", and 3"x7", the drawings are in very good condition with minor discoloration, graphite smudges, and edge and corner wear, including tattering from insect damage.

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