Little Red Riding Hood Storybook Cover Painting - ID: julyridinghood19303



Image Size: 
12.5" x 12.5"
Price: $800.00
SKU: julyridinghood19303

This is a wonderful original development painting created in the 1960s for Disneyland Records. The painting features Little Red Riding Hood skipping through the forest full of animals, on her way to Grandma's house. The image is created with watercolor paints on illustration paper and is very close to the final image used for the cover. A test print of the working cover is included, which is closer to the final image, but uses some different colors in the text boxes. The illustration paper measures 17" x 14" and the image area measures 12.5" x 12.5". This painting is in very good condition with some handling wear to the outer edges of the paper that do not affect the painted image.


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