Aladdin Background Color Key Painting - ID: maydis70

Aladdin Background Color Key Painting - ID: maydis70 Walt Disney



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Price: $800.00
SKU: maydis70

An original background color key concept from the Disney Studios animated film, "Aladdin" (1992). Featuring a stunning early rendering of the entrance to the Cave of Wonders, the hand-painted concept was created at the studio by background artist Robert Stanton and used during the development of the film. Color key concepts are often used to develop and finalize the color palette, layout of the action, and the overall feel of the scene. When a color concept is finalized during production, it becomes the reference tool that animators use to paint cels and backgrounds, as well as to further progress through the storyboarding and layout of the individual scenes. Measuring 5"x5.25" overall, and with an image measuring 4.25"x4.5", the background color key concept is in very good condition with minor wear from studio use.

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