Disneyland 1964 Realtor Nite At Disneyland Internal Flyer - ID: jandisneylandPAF212



Art Type:

Image Size: 
8.5" x 5.5"
Price: $50.00
SKU: jandisneylandPAF212

This is a nice internal flyer for Realtors Nite at Disneyland in 1964.
Disneyland would occasionally be reserved for private corporate evenings at the park with admission restricted only to them. Participating companies of a limited number would provide their employees either free or very special ticket pricing and unlimited access to Disneyland for the particular event. To make this financially viable, a specific themed party would be held so many companies could share the cost while still having a somewhat private event for their workforce. Events like Realtor Nite or Car Dealership Nite would combine several companies together for a closed park event, thus giving their staff an exclusive eveinging at the park.
Flyers such as these would be provided by Disneyland with their sales kit for distribution at the workplace. Employees would then reserve their ticket ahead of time for the specific event.


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